donderdag 14 februari 2008

Staying relevant can be hard work...

Well friends,

One of my favourite singer/songwriter/poets (a rare combo) recently announced a new tour. I'm talking of course about none other than the legendary Leonard Cohen. Who, you say? Go google and be ashamed for even asking!

Still, not many people may remember Leonard and his music, so it wouldn't be unwise for him to get out there a bit and make waves... By appearing with young, hip musicians and happening stars. It gets him in the press and it gets them some much needed gravitas and credibility. A win-win, right? Take a look at these recent attempts at that, it might need some work...

Getting some free publicity by appearing at Amy Winehouse's side during her struggle with addiction was a smart move. No doubt he's offering some fatherly advise...

Now this next one....

It was said that Britney's managment had a whole different dance routine planned for her big comeback at the MTV Awards last year. Judging from this picture shot during rehearsal, Brit Brit might have been better off sharing the stage with Leonard. Almost three quarters of a century old, but still ready to bust a move... which brings us to...

OLD SPICE? Well, lets at least hope he gets some kind of endorsement deal out of it...

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